Here’s what happend to my plan of earning money online with automation.

Uddipan Barman
9 min readDec 24, 2020

My story with auto blogging

Here is how I got to automation blogging, and here’s why I think it’s not a good idea to copy other blogs or copy others’ content and post it on your blog or website.

One day, I was exploring the YouTube world and Looked for ways to earn money online. Suddenly I stumbled upon some videos, which were informative and inspiring for me at the time. Those videos were about how to create a news site. I was very excited and after I saw a video. I was very motivated.

I thought that I would do the same as told in the video. The video explained how we could build news sites. There are many videos on YouTube that you can find or articles on the internet to see about it.

I went deep into the topic of how to earn money online. Then I found an easy way to do it, which I thought was easy, but it was not in reality.

I began to research a lot about the topic that was Auto blogging. Auto blogging, in this case, is not blogging about cars. It’s automation blogging. Some videos on YouTube and some articles on the internet teach you to create an automatic blog, which will post content on your website from other websites.

It works by gathering news or Articles from other websites and posting it on your blog. It can post like thousands and thousands of articles in just a day. You can also share the articles on social media like Facebook automatically with plugins. I’m talking about WordPress here with plugins, and according to them, you can earn a lot of traffic and earn a lot of revenue from AdSense or any other ad network. So first of all, the idea was perfect. I thought it was excellent, but I will come to it later.

I followed the idea, and I started to research more about it. I bought a hosting plan that those videos or articles suggested because sites that will work in automation need a very powerful hosting provider. But at first, I thought that my site would not have visitors that much, so I don’t need that powerful hosting. Then I went for a shared hosting plan.

And after I took the plan, I looked at the tutorials and started setting up my WordPress site. I needed plugins, but they were costly for me at the time. So I started looking for Alternatives then I found some GPL websites which were selling plugins for a very low price.

So I bought all the plugins that were needed. I bought a theme which was called the newspaper theme because it was very popular. I also bought a domain.

I purchased all the essential plugins. I bought a plugin that automatically spins content to get rid of plagiarism, but it doesn’t work. I’m saying that it doesn’t work that way, but I will get to it later in full detail. But first, let me say what I have done.

After all this setup and all the things that I bought, I set up my website in the shared hosting plan and started making the customizations. Those were needed for the news themes and stuff. I set up RSS feeds from many other websites that are already bigger news websites to the automatic blogging plugin.

I didn’t have any idea because I was told that the news is not copyrighted because news cannot be copyrighted. After all, what is done is done, and it is a fact. I was very confident that there would be no copyright.

And it went like that. I set up everything, and then it was running. I automatically shared it to Facebook and Twitter with plugins’ help, and I did the SEO using plugins. Everything was going right. After a few days, there was also a little bit of organic traffic, and my keywords were getting ranked, and It was all going well.

So I thought that I will now apply for AdSense. I applied for Google AdSense, and they rejected my application. I thought that maybe there is something wrong with my site. Perhaps there is not enough traffic. So I will apply for another Network, then I applied for and also for the top providers, premium ad providers basically, but I didn’t get approval from any.

After this disappointment, I thought that it’s okay. I will earn from an affiliate or other AD networks. So I switched to YouTube again, and I searched for AdSense alternatives.

After searching a lot, I found some alternative ad networks, like propeller ads and Adsterra, which provided instant approval of domains and didn’t need any traffic. It doesn’t matter what type of sites you have. You can get easy approval.

So after applying for Adsterra and getting approved there, I started showing ads on my site. The Ads were decent, not bad.

And it went like that, and as it was in shared hosting, my website was using a lot of resources, which the shared hosting plans don’t have, so it was getting crashed often. It was very slow to load. So I was very worried about what to do because I was not earning from the website, and I couldn’t afford a much expensive hosting plan to run the website.

Later somehow, I invested some more money to buy a better hosting plan on Black Friday because many offers and sales were going on. So I purchased Cloud hosting from a hosting provider, and then I set up my website there. I migrated my website there with the help of plugins again, and after migrating, my website was running well, and it was going very well.

A little bit of traffic was coming from social media sites; The traffic was around a thousand unique visitors per day. It was a good amount of per day visitors. Then I applied for Google AdSense again, but Google rejected me again. I applied for, which also got rejected.

After getting all those disappointments, I decided to stick with Adsterra because I now knew that Google AdSense might identify my content as not original, so it’s not approving my sites. I knew that, but I felt that it was free content. I do not need to do anything because it came from other websites. I was only sitting and watching visitors coming but not earning that much from them.

Around 6,000 keywords of my site ranked in Google, and suddenly one evening, a copyright strike came from a very reputed company. They claim that I was copying their content, which was news content, and they told me to remove that content and give an undertaking that I will not duplicate their content again and told me to post on my website that I have been copying their content and I feel sorry for it.

After I got the notice, I was unfortunate. Of what will happen next? I thought, Will I get in trouble? Or it’s just nothing.

I tried Googling about what may happen? And I also deleted the post that was auto-posted on my blog through the auto-posting plugin. I then wrote an email to the company saying sorry about what has happened. And I assured them that it would never happen.

That incident was gone. I was now a little bit scared of what may happen next. I knew that more copyrights were coming in the future. But I was not ready yet to give up on my idea of earning money online doing nothing.

So, I continued the website. I continued posting content automatically through the plugin. Everything was going well again. Visitors were coming. There was a little bit of earning of around eight dollars in four days.

I was happy again. I thought that everything was going well and it will always be like that. But one day again, there came an email where another site was claiming copyright of their content that was posted on my site.

After the second time, I knew that my idea was not going to work. I knew that I would be in big trouble one day as my site got bigger and bigger. And more visitors were coming, and more keywords were getting ranked. It was giving competition against the other sites.

But the difference was that. My site had no original content. It was all copied from other websites. So, I was getting ranked and earning money by posting others’ hard work and other blog posts.

So it was not going to work that way. Not everyone is so kind of letting their content be copied as brands or websites need many resources and many investments in creating content. There are many writers and authors they need to pay, which they hire.

They earn from the advertisements and the traffic to their websites. And they pay their authors. So It was a no-brainer that any content that we steal from them would get identified, and they will have a copyright claim on it.

After all, this happened, I was demotivated again. I thought about what to do next. I started looking at YouTube. I began to Google again. I searched for what to write.

Because after this incident, I knew I needed to bring my original content. It’s not like I could not post my original content, But I was lazy, to be fair. Now being lazy and wanting to earn money is nowhere near.

To earn something or to gain something. Investment is needed. It might be an investment of resources or investment of time or investment of money. Something has to be done to get Success.

In my case. I need to post some original content. Not only original content, but good quality original content to rank and earn money. With my original content, I could have got AdSense approval or any AD network approval quickly.

After all the incidents, I stopped my website immediately. And I started researching new keywords that I could write on. I knew that it was not about my interest. But I didn’t want to go much off-topic about the demand for a particular topic as I tried to stay Limited in my interest Zone. And wanted to write things about what I like and about the things that I use. And the things that help people.

So, I started switching to my original content slowly. This was my short or maybe a long story about Auto blogging. These were my experiences.

Now is Auto blogging good or bad?

By judging from my experience, you may find out that It’s not a very good idea to steal content from others. But where can Auto blogging help?

Auto blogging has its benefits. If you are running an affiliate blog, you want to scrape content from different e-commerce websites, Generating sales for them. That can be beneficial, as your scrapping will not harm their business and will generate more sales.

This will be useful for them, and as well as you can also earn money from the affiliate. But creating sites having to post content from other’s RSS feeds like news sites and other content sites is not a good idea as those contents are Copyrighted.

Even if someone is stealing my or your original content, you or I would not be happy because writing any content takes a lot of effort and time.

Should you do auto blogging?

My answer would be yes and no.

Yes, in terms of affiliate products. And a few things that are helping the content creator by generating them sales or any type of revenue can be helpful.

But In terms of stealing content ideas and stealing copyrighted content and posting them in your blog post. It’s a big no. I’m not just saying it randomly. It’s from my experience.

At last, the moral of the story is that.

Don’t steal others’ content and do learn from other’s mistakes rather than making them on your own?

Thank you. This was a real incident that happened to me when I first started blogging. I wanted the quickest way, which is not possible. It might be possible in the future with artificial intelligence. It is getting better and better day by day, and more languages like GPT 3 are getting invented.

It may change the blocking feature. But as of now. There is nothing like Auto blogging, which will not give you a copy right now.

After all, that happened. I was still lazy and wanted to find how to write articles. So I found this way. That would be the topic of another blog. So make sure you check out my other blogs.

Also look at my other posts to find tips and tricks of blogging, not only blogging — anything about technology.

If you have any comments, please. Comment down below, And make sure to ask any queries so that you don’t make the mistakes that I made.



Uddipan Barman

I am a Medical Student. But I am really Interested in Technology. I like to talk about new gadgets.