How to get website traffic from Quora

Uddipan Barman
3 min readJul 19, 2021

A friend of mine was struggling to earn $100 in 2016, but now he’s got $300 because of a video on Quora. The article is about getting more visitors from Quora for free. If you want to get traffic for free, work in affiliate marketing for free, and promote your services for free, please do not miss any tips. Quora is the no. 1 platform all over the world for questions and answers. You get thousands of free views from almost all Quora visitors in the first couple of days. If you answer a question with a large number of followers, you have a higher chance of seeing your answer by other people. To make the most of Quora, create an example question list to help you plan your answers. And look for the most recent questions to answer.

Answer Popular Questions

If you do your research, pick up your questions and then create answer templates. If people search for it on Google, you’ll also get free visitors from Google to your answer on Quora. The third tip is to check for ranking questions on Google if you want to find a new question. This will make it very easy to answer any questions. I can answer almost every day five to ten questions. If you are new to Quora, don’t add too many links or you will be banned. Build a reputation on Quora by adding links to your answers and using Canva to create awesome designs. Don’t use affiliate links directly in your answers if you want to increase traffic. Quora will never block you because you give too much value to people if you give it to them. On Quora, you can create or optimize your profile, your description, your links, your name and your credentials.

Publish great content

If you’re optimizing your profile and publishing great content, my sixth tip is to create a group where a group of people can post on this page. This is like a group Facebook or a Facebook page whatever. Number seven is creating and interacting with spaces. In Quora, we have something called spaces. These are places where you can post articles in this space and give value to people. If you go to your profile and click on Stats, you can go and analyze your stats and see which questions get you the most views.

Build a successful template

Clicks and anything from Quora, then you can search for You can see similar questions and answer them like this. I got 14,000 views this month from just one question. I can read my answer and see what is special about it and I can see the views. I can also see everything. I am able to analyze and repeat my answers. Therefore, you can create multiple templates and build a successful template. It is called the AB split test, so you can figure out which answer template works best for you. Then you can duplicate your successful templates etc. Knowing how to scale up inside Quora is very important.



Uddipan Barman

I am a Medical Student. But I am really Interested in Technology. I like to talk about new gadgets.